Fisher FC Society Limited accounts

Please find below the accounts for Fisher FC Society Limited. The Society is a Registered Society, registered by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, with registration number 31005R. The Society’s year end is 31 May. Further information on the Society can be found in the public information on the FCA Mutuals Register: Mutuals Public Register (

Fisher FC – 2023 accounts

Fisher FC – 2022 accounts

Fisher FC – 2021 accounts

Fisher FC – 2020 accounts

Fisher FC – 2019 accounts

Fisher FC – 2018 accounts

Fisher FC – 2017 accounts

Fisher FC – 2016 accounts

Fisher FC – 2015 accounts

Fisher FC – 2014 accounts

Fisher FC – 2013 accounts

Fisher FC – 2012 accounts